Thursday, December 2, 2010

Starting to get frustrated...

Looking for an egg donor is stressful especially when you aren't part of the puzzle.  Well, not biologically anyway.   We have had some set backs since our last post. In a prior post in October, we thought we had matched with an egg donor, but she has shown to be not a good match.  We have been going back and forth with this egg donor (I will refer to as "L").    We thought everything was great and we would be on our way with our journey.   There were some issues of waiting until she had her IUD removed and weaning off a medication or switching to a different medication that was acceptable by the fertility clinic.  After numerous e-mails with the agency acting as the go between, we were receiving conflicting statements from "L" with regards to weaning off the medication.  One minute she didn't like how she felt going off the medicine and then the next time she went off cold turkey.  When asked for a statement from her doctor stating it was okay to go off cold turkey she stated she had been weaning off for over a month with her doctor's knowledge, but has shown no evidence from her doctor showing clearance.  It makes you wonder if she would be responsible in following the direction of the fertility clinic in taking the injections and medication needed to proceed to retrieval.

So in search again…  We have a few profiles in mind, but have to wait for a telephone conference appointment with one agency, which is on December 8th.  Wish us luck...

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