We received wonderful news when we went to see Dr. Ismail, an expert in high-risk obstetrics on Tuesday, August 23. We had the choice to go to his Chicago or Indiana office. After talking about it with J we decided to go to the Indiana office since it was easier to get to instead of dealing with the traffic and parking downtown Chicago. We were happy with our decision. My taxi driver and husband, Brian, took off work and we headed out at 7:45 a.m. to make sure we got to our appointment on time. We made it with plenty of time to spare. That's a first! :) J brought her best friend, Sarah, with to the appointment. The ultrasound was first and then we met with Dr. Ismail.
The ultrasound was amazing. A little emotional, but amazing. Jon Pierre was our ultrasound tech. What a nice guy. He was wonderful. Jon Pierre (sorry I don't have that option with the accent over the "e") wasn't your run-of-the-mill ultrasound tech. He had that French Italian black slicked back hair in a pony tail look and accent with a warm personality. We all agreed we would request our next appointment when he is working.
On to our ultrasound…it was amazing to see A, B and C wiggle around and move. Once I saw their movement, I lost it. I couldn't control my emotions. We have been waiting so many years for this day and it finally happened. I have been on a roller coaster journey between failed attempts at getting pregnant on our own, IVF, surgeries, and bumps in the road at the beginning of our journey. My emotions were a mixture of joy and happiness and a little bit of sadness. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to death that we have a positive pregnancy on our first attempt with our surrogate and we are not only having one baby, but THREE! Mixed with my joy and happiness that my vision of a big family is coming true, there was a little bit of sadness that I was not the one carrying the triplets or feeling their movement. That feeling of sadness lasted a moment or two and was overpowered by the joy and happiness these three little babies have brought and will bring to our lives. Sarah, J's best friend, and Brian, had a tear or two in their eyes as well. John Pierre was great. When I lost it, he came in for a group hug with Brian and I. What a guy!
I think there our a few loved ones upstairs looking over us…my mom ("yia yia"), my dad ("papoli"), Brian's grandma ("Grandy") and my uncle ("Toto"). Our next appointment is at 14 to 16 weeks. It doesn't look like B and C are mono/mono, but Dr. Ismail wants to make sure before J gets too big and risk any problems. Until then…thoughts and prayers please!